Ladiva Ceramica, was born from the natural need to bring the thinking of architects and designers into absolute freedom, which is why it has created a ceramic line produced with a single support, a single production system and a single thickness, while leaving intact the concept of the tile, glazed ceramic material. with slightly rounded edges. This system makes Ladiva ceramic
similar to marble or wood,materials widely used by architects for their flexibility. Thanks to thisintuition, but without transforming the
craftsmanship of Italian ceramics,the brand embarked on an unprecedented path in 2013, with the aim of challenging the rules of large producers. Even more important is the added value to the product thanks to the use of raw materials of Italian origin and the use of the waters of our Gabbianella spring, which make the finished product a small piece of our beautiful Italy.Ladiva was born from the natural need to solicit the best designers and architects to realize their ideas, with the use of our products, being decorated only with a relief system, give the enamel the possibility of deform on the surface creating a single product that only mother nature can replicate, the finished product will be unique. The advantage of having only relief decorations and not screen-printed, gives Ladiva ceramics a longevity comparable to the great classics of furniture, because a relief never has time. Thanks to this
intuition in 2013 the brand created an absolute novelty, the style that never gets old, with the aim ofopposing the rules of current ceramics that produce almost everything with the screen-printed system.

You can see it up there both along the valley floor of the Secchia river and that of the Tresinaro: on the Appennino di Reggio Emilia stands the Castle ofCarpineti, one of the manors of the powerful domain of Matilda of Canossa.The fortress is elected, at the time of the Grand Countess, as a privileged seat to host popes, emperors, kings and dukes while they enter into agreements on the fate of Italy. The keep is still almost intact and stands on one of the rocky spurs of the mountain ridge Antognano. The fortress was strategically placed in this position with a defensive function. Today it is still possible to read a good part of the original and defensive structures of its buildings: the structure of the complex is defined
“CASTLE OF WOMEN” with a plant belt irregular almost like a trapezoid. At the end of the short southern side there is a small apsidal room that is configured as a round tower through which one entered the castle. Inside there is an isolated tower with a square plan, made up of well-squared stone blocks. The entire structure was restored from 1990 to early 1999. The Carpineti castle is located on an important crossroads of hiking trails: the Spallanzani path and the Matilde path.

Tutti i nostri prodotti da rivestimento sono realizzati con pura pasta bianca, mentre i pavimenti con gres porcellanato.
All our wall tiles are made with pure white body, while the floors are made with porcelain stoneware.

Tutti i nostri prodotti sia da rivestimento che da pavimento sono realizzati con il metodo di pressatura, mediante presse con contromarche ad olio.
All our products, both for walls and floors, are made using the pressing method, using oil presses with

Tutti i nostri prodotti sia da rivestimento che da pavimento hanno lo spessore da 10mm.
All our products for both walls and floors have a thickness of 10mm.

Tutti i nostri prodotti sono modulari tra loro, le dimensioni di ogni piastrelle sono calcolate considerando anche la fuga, per il rivestimento tra 1,3 e 1,6mm mentre per il pavimento tra 2,3 e 2,6mm.
All our products are modular with each other, the dimensions of each tiles are calculated also considering the joint, being for the wall 1.3 and 1.6mm while for the floor between 2.3 and 2.6mm.

Tutti i nostri decori sono fatti tramite rilievo, noi crediamo che un decoro se lo vedi e lo tocchi ha piu valore di un decoro che puoi solo guardare classico della serigrafia.
All our decorations are done through relief, we believe that a decoration, if seen and touched, has more value than a decoration that you can only look at classic screen printing.

Tutti i nostri prodotti sono esenti dal pericolo dell’eccesso di CADMIO e PIOMBO, perche’ la nostra e la vostra salute e’ piu importante di un affare.
All our products are free from the danger of excess CADMIUM and LEAD, because our health and your health is more important than a business.